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Product Professional sofeware series Geomagic Design X 3D
Geomagic Design X 3D

Geomagic Design X converts the scan data into a CAD model. Integrate with modeling 3D software with everything from automatic functionality and guided solid models to accurate surface fitting to point cloud processing, so you can do things that no other software can.

> Direct import of various CAD files and common files

> Various coordinate system conversion and scan data positioning functions Various editing functions

> point cloud and triangular patch data

> Generate color level data inspection reports in various formats


< 2D, 3D, Measurement, Instruments, Microscopes, image measuring instrument >

TEL : 886-4-23509355     FAX : 886-4-23509388     6F.-2, No.3, Ln. 2, Gongyequ 1st Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan (R.O.C.)